Basic |
Advanced |
Emergency Response - from National Monitoring including Police, Fire and Medical.
Basic |
Advanced |
Remote Arming/Disarming - Arm/disarm system remotely via web or mobile apps.
System Status and Summary of Recent Activity - View an at-a-glance summary showing the current
system status and any recent activity at your property via web or mobile apps.
User Code Management - Add/delete/edit user codes remotely, and track which useres arm/disarm the
system at which times.
Searchable 60-Day Event History - Search a 60-day history of events reported by the system, including
alarms and other activity, via web or mobile apps
Multiple Permission-Based Web Logins - Create different "sub-users" for the account and grant varying
levels of permissions for each user to view/change various settings in the Alarm.com web interface.
Basic |
Advanced |
Alarms - Receive email/text notifications for any type of alarm reported by the system.
Arming/Disarming - Receive email/text notifications when the system is armed or disarmed
System Events - Receive email/text notifications for power failures, sensor tampers/malfunctions,
panel low battery and other kins of system events.
No-Show Alerts - Receive email/text message notifications if a certain person did not disarm their
security system at a certain date/time.
Arming Reminders - Receive email/text notifications if the system has not been armed by a particular
time on a given day.
24X7 Sensor Activity - Receive email/text notifications for non-alarm activity reported by door, window,
cabinet, motion, and other sensors when the system is disarmed.
Sensor-Left-Open - Receive email/text message if a particular door, cabinet, or window sensor is left open for
an extended period during specified time frames.
$34.00 |
$39.00 |
Additional Features - Available at Extra Charge:

- Voice Notifictions for Alarms
- Voice Notification for Non-Alarms
- Light Automation
- Arming Schedules
- Sensor Activity Monitoring for 5 Sensors
- Pro Video
- Pro Video Plus
- 250 MB Extra Video Storage
- Weather to the Panel
- emPower Lights
- emPower Thermostats
- emPower Locks